Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?
July 22, 2022True Freedom
February 29, 2024God is the Answer
Weigh Down is about being committed to God ruling and you letting go of control. If you really mean it, then you do not know where you are going to be today and tomorrow and the next day. You don’t know where you’re going to be eating, who you are going to be eating with, what you’re going to be eating or if you are going to be eating. You have let go of something that has become a god to you. How do I know that food has become a god to you? It is because it has been so difficult to lay it down. What has the food become to you? It has become entertainment, comfort, and the aid to prevent boredom. It has become everything to you. What is the purpose of Weigh Down? It is mere Christianity. You are transferring over the food god to THE GOD so that God is becoming your entertainment. God is your comfort. God is the fun and the joy. When you are tired, you run to God. He is the Source of All!
For more information, sign up for the Breakthrough Series available on Weigh Down TV.