Help for the Hurting - Weigh Down Ministries
Treasure Series Box Set
All of Creation Speaks of God
March 14, 2025
Weigh Down Works
A Hint for Finding Hunger
March 16, 2025
Treasure Series Box Set
All of Creation Speaks of God
March 14, 2025
Weigh Down Works
A Hint for Finding Hunger
March 16, 2025

Help for the Hurting

Rise Above

Dear weary ones, God can help you reach the weight He has designed for your body. Do not give up. Our problem is that we have swallowed the lie that says because we have been created, and we now breathe, we deserve more. We can ask for more, my friends, but we must wait on our good God to provide it. Grabbing for more will depress us, will frustrate us, will destroy us. James 1:14–15 tells us, But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. But waiting on God to decide when and how much to feed us will bring life—the opposite of death—plus a healthy body due to less greed in the heart. God knows you will feel better thin because He designed your body that way.

It’s not about us—it’s about God. I now get up every day and ask God, What do You want me to do today? When I consider myself and my wishes and my wants as secondary and put God’s first, He takes care of me. Nothing is sweeter than knowing that someone is considering your wishes and your wants, and it is far sweeter than grabbing for and taking care of your own self. I can testify again and again to this truth. This basic law will radically transform your entire life, and your eating is the place to start testing, employing, and plastering this concept into your heart and mind.

Read more in Rise Above.