Experimenting with Give and Take
January 31, 2025
The Healing Power of Love
February 2, 2025For Those Who Have Struggled

For those who have struggled, have you tried to excuse yourself because you have changed in so many other areas? But perhaps there is still one thing you have not given up, and it is usually the main thing God asked you to give up. You may overly deny yourself in an area you do not care about (money, for example) so that you can hang onto your idol (food). This “work” is invalid and will not save you on that Great Day, for your idol will be beside you. An idol must be removed—as no greedy man, for such a man is an idolater as it says in Ephesians 5:5—will enter the Kingdom of God. Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect, as it says in Matthew 5:48.
Thru sincere repentance, with the mercy of God, you can start over. When you start over, it is such an incredible gift to once again receive God’s powerful, priceless Spirit that gives you peace with God’s will for you. Determine to live a life of staying inside of God’s perfect boundaries, and it will be a beautiful relationship with God!
For more on this topic, read History of the Love of God, Volume II – A Love More Ancient than Time