God is the Ultimate Provider
March 24, 2025
Two Senses that Affect Weight Loss
March 26, 2025Loving Intervention from the Heavens

Every year I see more of the loving intervention of God in my life through a respectful, obedient relationship with Him. If only we would teach the children at the earliest of ages, how different their lives would be.
Here is what we need to know…all of creation obeys Him, and they are well taken care of and free from worry, strife, and needs. Their children behave and are attentive and respectful to the parents and learn well. I have watched the Father and His creation and how He deals so sweetly with His animals. It tells me so much about the loving Creator-Father. Notice that the birds love to sing, the squirrels love to play tag, the kittens are so curious and playful but affectionate, the puppy dogs adore the master so much and are so excited and happy that they always look like they are smiling or almost laughing. The personalities of little children are my delight. I have seven grandchildren now and they light up my life. Each one is so priceless, hilarious, and adorable—there is always laughter and love in their presence. If one gets out of my lap, another jumps up, filling my days with joy, delight, happiness, and love. My life was not blessed like this before I found God’s laws of cause and effect of truly obeying the Lord, found in Deuteronomy 28. Please take some time to read this passage today.
Read more in Weigh Down Works!