Rewards and Jewels
April 6, 2024
You Fall in Love with What You Focus on
April 8, 2024Reversing Your Focus

The transfer is everything. This old relationship with food or idols is over, and a new relationship with God will take its place. Food was the impetus to get out of bed in the past, and then it was your morning, noon, and night. Yet, it is a false god and will only rob you of health, relationships, time, fortune, and energy. Food is not your friend. It is not your comfort, but rather the thing that depresses you each morning when you hit the scales. It is time to end your relationship with food, sweets, the pantry or refrigerator, the fast food drive-thru’s, and the drawer of chocolate in your desk at work. These secret hiding spots for food and comfort need to be cleared out and replaced with Scripture and truth. Eating had filled your day—now watch God fill you up and repair your health, energy, friendships, relationships, marriage, and watch how it will affect your children’s behavior when you obey God. Simply put, reversing your focus and heart, your soul and mind off the food and onto God will completely transform every aspect of your life.
Read more in Weigh Down Works!