What You Can Do Today
July 11, 2024
Will Regular Grocery Store Foods Harm You?
July 13, 2024Set Free from Pain

Isn’t it a wonderful opportunity to have a new boss? And our Creator is the BEST Boss! If you ever worked in a job where you had a terrible employer, then got another job under a very kind and thoughtful employer, you were overjoyed! In fact, resigning even gave you pleasure as you let the mean boss know you no longer had to endure any more stress or humiliation. At the same time, you had a new sense of purpose as you knew you were now headed in a forward direction.
You may also experience that the gravitational force toward the things of this world is very real. The law of sin—the greed for alcohol, food, cigarettes, drugs, power, money, and praise of mankind—is somewhat like the law of gravity in that it is real, it is powerful, it pulls you down, and it is a force that must be reckoned with. “Strongholds” are well-named. In life, if you ignore the law of gravity and walk blindly off a cliff, you will come to a premature and agonizing death. In the same way, you can ignore this reality of sin and give in to the magnetic pull of the love of worldly things and walk blindly into a premature and agonizing spiritual death.
You will become attracted to what you focus on. Your footsteps will follow your heart. If you focus on God’s will, you can rise above the magnetic pull of the world. On the other hand, if you focus on the things of this world, those things will become your heartfelt desire, and that focus will lead to sin, guilt and pain.
There are two types of pain. One type of pain results from being entangled in our own sin (natural consequences), and one is pain that is screened by God and allowed by the Heavens for our own refinement. But one type of pain can end today: the pain caused by your own sin. Have you been feeling pain in your heart? You are never going to break away if you cover that pain over or try to ignore it. Start today by admitting to yourself your sins and your strongholds. Once you admit these truths to yourself, you are going to feel an immediate difference! You may feel overwhelmed at first, but you will feel instant relief as soon as you take this step, because it means you are no longer going to ignore and incubate your stronghold, but rather you are going to get it out. When you turn from sin, you will feel all the hope in the world. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9
For more on this topic, watch Freedom from Strongholds.