Days of Awe
September 1, 2024
Returning to the Fundamentals
September 3, 2024The Final Breakthrough

Romans 6:4 says, We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
To make the final breakthrough, we are going to return to the basics: eating when we are hungry and stopping when we are full. It is back to the very first lessons of WeighDown: hunger and fullness. There must be true hunger and the feeling of a growl. There must be polite satiation or fullness and no binge eating. We are going to deny head hunger, and we are going to replace that with stomach hunger. We get to go from hunger to hunger. You will stop with a small amount when you feel satisfied.
It is about your whole life and direction. Greed is a scary thing, and when there is greed, there is no faith in God; and therefore, you do not rely on God during binges. Hunger and fullness is the perfect amount for you.
You must associate the growl with a relationship with God. You must associate stopping when you are full with a relationship with God in a “surrendered to authority” relationship. What you may not connected in the past and what may have held you back from breaking free is that greed with food is idolatry. Keep this simple. It is time to start over—start over with a new way to eat and live. First of all, you’ve got to cry out to God once more: “God, I want your Spirit over mine. God, I want your rule over mine,” and let Him lead! It will be so fun and so blessed!