How Does it Look to Follow God’s Lead with Food?
November 13, 2024
The Night Lie, Part II
November 15, 2024The Night Lie, Part I

Sadly, the enemy has many people just where he wants them: deceived, year after year after year. They may go to bed every night determined to be different. Then get up every morning with the same resolve. If this is your situation, you may pray, and yet, at the end of the day and at the last minute you are presented by the enemy with an opportunity to eat, and you make a rash decision. You have some thought that eating will be comforting and rest your body. You have some personal lie that grants you permission to either eat when you are not hungry or to eat beyond full. It allows you to lust at night—just this one last time. This deceitful lie tells you to go ahead this time; it tells you that you can just eat a little and stop there. There will be no damage done. You go to bed disgusted and wake up to be different and believe that you will—so you don’t feel too bad. Then you look up and you have listened to a circle of lies for 10, 20, 30 years or more. You are not changing. Your faith is not stronger.
But the truth is that you are not good at stopping when you are eating, because you were not hungry to start with; and if you are not hungry, then you are full. Where is full? You cannot find it when you are not hungry. You are feeding head hunger and greed, and greed has no satiation. You have to use your own willpower to stop, and for most, willpower is slowly disappearing, because you can’t seem to stop anyway. You do not ask God in on a late-night binge—you try not to know that you are doing it yourself. You are trying to deceive even yourself—so you eat quickly. You feel you must take care of yourself, that the food might not be there for you. This day you are going to eat because tomorrow you are going to eat a lot less. But then you don’t. After years of this, don’t you see that you are deceived by a set of lies that work on you? How could the same lies work on someone every day? How have you managed to binge every night and wake up every day resolved to be different yet are no different and if anything, greedier? How does someone fall for the lie at night? How could someone be so afraid to have a day that has less greed, less food, less lust, less shopping? What is this fear?
You need some faith that God will take care of you in a different way. Pray for faith. End your fears and stop listening to the lies. You need to know that night lies come on fast and that they put pressure on you to move quickly so that you cannot think. The pressure is enormous in your mind to make a rash decision. You must fight this false rash pressure. It is not real—it is a test. Read on tomorrow for Part II of the Night Lie and tools to help you pass this test.
For more information, watch the Breakthrough Series available on WeighDown.com.