The Treasures of a Relationship with God - Weigh Down Ministries
Gwen Shamblin Lara - Devotional Book
The Lord Will Defend You
April 20, 2024
Weigh Down Works
Why Diets will Never Work, Part I
April 22, 2024
Gwen Shamblin Lara - Devotional Book
The Lord Will Defend You
April 20, 2024
Weigh Down Works
Why Diets will Never Work, Part I
April 22, 2024

The Treasures of a Relationship with God

Weigh Down Works

God knows things that only you and He would know about—personal, secret, extremely special, private things. God knows the things that personally get our attention and that help us find Him and help us to see His involvement in our lives. I am convinced that God does care about our smallest victories over food, lusts, pride, etc.

As you can see, God rescued you out of Egypt, away from the horrible taskmaster/slave master called food; then He took you to the abandoned desert where it was hot and dry. The definition of the Desert of Testing is a place that provides nothing, meaning that you must look to God, trust in God… you need food, so He sends manna and quail from Heaven; you need guidance, so He sends Moses and the cloud by day and the fire by night; you need water, so He takes you to the Oasis. The Desert of Testing is not a place of constant misery, but rather an adventure with God, who has the best personality of all. Every day I still wake up and think, “O God, what neat thing are you going to show me today?” And I go to sleep thanking Him for another fun or fascinating day. A journey with God will be a trip you will remember for the rest of your life. Do you want to know what is even more incredible? You do not have to wait until the end of the journey to feel God’s love and rewards. He is just waiting for the chance to indulge and bless you. If you will obey, then He will acknowledge that. How? With jewels or happies! Every time you pass a test, you will get a jewel. Some jewels are subtle; it could be just the peace of being in His will. Some are extravagant, like gifts of cash from an unexpected source or an unexpected and long-awaited pregnancy. Jewels range from having more energy, wearing smaller clothes, and eating regular foods, to experiencing freedom and a real spiritual awakening.


Read more in Weigh Down Works!