A Wonder-Filled Respect and Fear of the Lord
October 14, 2024
A Rich Inheritance
October 16, 2024True Wisdom

Wisdom is a wonderful reward, but this essential loving fear gives back so much more than just wisdom. The family, in fact, will have no needs if this loving fear is the true pursuit of the father and the mother and the children. It is the fountain of life…
But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love. Psalm 33:18
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Psalm 34:7
He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7
This is beautiful protection! But there is even more than protection. There is long life, the fountain of life. This loving fear prolongs your days…
The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. Proverbs 10:27
Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil. Proverbs 16:6
The fear of the Lord leads to life: then one rests content, untouched by trouble. Proverbs 19:23
Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life. Proverbs 22:4
This is insurance beyond insurance—no trouble, no fear, protection, a deliverance from evil, being given the fountain of life and the promise of a long life! What else could a mere mortal ask for? What more could a family need?
For more, read the History of the One True God, Volume III – God-Fearing Families