What about Organic Foods? - Weigh Down Ministries
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What about Organic Foods?

Weigh Down Works

All foods are composed of just water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and trace (tiny) amounts of vitamins and minerals. Proteins, carbohydrates [CHO], and fats are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Proteins add nitrogen to their chemical structures.

These are organic molecules—organic just means that the molecule contains carbon. You do not have to go to the health food store for good organic foods. They are displayed at every grocery store and corner market.

If organic means chemical-free to you, think again. All foods are chemicals. God made your body to detect and rid itself of harmful chemicals that are part of the normal dietary process. Again, the stomach would be the first place that could detect harmful bacteria or chemicals. The stomach may throw it back up and out of the body. Most harmful bacteria would be destroyed in the very acidic (pH 1.5) stomach fluids. If harmful substances get past the stomach and into the intestines, then the body might trigger diarrhea (increased peristalsis) to rid the body of them. If they make their way through the walls of the small intestine (it is very difficult for most foreign objects or harmful substances to make it past this barrier) and then to the liver, the liver will trap them, break them apart, and render them unavailable and incapable of harming the liver.


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