Important Questions to Ask Yourself Daily
June 30, 2024
Turn Around
July 2, 2024What are Your Goals

What are your goals? Have you any plans or expectations for your children or grandchildren? This search is essential for acquiring knowledge and energy to reset your focus away from the mundane and on to the eternal. Your house and clothes will not last, your cars and boats will rust, and your financial savings will fly away like a bird. But how do you get to this focus on the eternal? This seems impossible and seems monumental. But if you will not worry about tomorrow and just take one day at a time, you will see that God can move mountains that seem to be blocking you from this Treasure. The words will challenge you but also encourage you because you will find that there IS hope—that even in the most dire situations, your ship can turn around. There is hope that even in the loneliest situations, you can be fulfilled. Please know that you are not just one in a billion people but that something special is going on if you can hear the Truth. Not everyone can hear or see, which was prophesied by Isaiah and repeated by Jesus and the Apostle Paul.
For more about this topic, read Rise Above.