Do you have to be religious to lose weight? What does religion and God have to do with weight loss?
Modern medicine has influences that date back to Hebrew medicine – where Moses taught good hygiene, isolating diseases, and the importance of rest and good foods and moderation. Another strong influence is Hippocrates, who lived from 460-360BC. Hippocrates was a Greek physician who rejected superstition, but he did believe that the body contains a power to rebalance or heal itself if kept clean in a sterile environment and given plenty of rest. Drugs were a last resort for fear that they might be wrongly chosen. If you study medicine in history, you’ll find that in every culture, there is a faith element that is real, and to deny its effects is not scientific. To this day, all trained physicians accept the Hippocratic Oath, which is the foundation of oaths and laws that define good medical practice and morals for modern medicine. The familiar symbol of the Bronze Snake in medicine dates back to Moses. The people were told to look at this symbol and they were healed.
What is taught in Weigh Down is that all mankind is religious – because religion is simply what you adore. Man finds himself adoring money, material things, food, drugs, a lustful lifestyle, or the power and praise of man. Each person has something that that he or she lives for. We are all slaves to our own devises. But all created things will not give back to a person – they are false helps or false gods. For example, when you worship or adore food, resulting in eating too much and living for late night binges, you find that you will actually be robbed of health, clothing, money, relationships, and time. However, to the contrary, when you turn to the one true God, He will not rob you but instead offers you great blessings! We are all religious – it is just that, in the end, our choice of gods will prove to be a blessing or curse.