Inspirational Writings from Gwen Shamblin Lara
Experiment with the Blessings of Obedience
Jesus said, “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:30-31 In other words, do not be afraid. He loves you and knows you so intimately that He has counted the hairs on your head. He has a digit assigned to each hair. He knows when one falls out; He knows you better than you know yourself...
March 19, 2025
One of the amazing systems God created in the human body is the circulatory system, which includes the heart and blood vessels. Your body can direct more or less blood to different parts of the body as needed, depending on the activity or situation...
March 18, 2025
First of all, your family is going to love this way of eating. Regular foods forever! You may worry that if every family member eats on demand, you will become a short-order cook. What is more, you may be concerned that family members might never eat together again. Do not worry—they will!
March 17, 2025
Another explanation for an inability to get a hunger signal can be attributed to the amount of weight a person needs to lose to start with...
March 16, 2025
One reason some people cannot find hunger is that they are not allowing themselves to get hungry. They wait part of the day for hunger, but finally give in and eat before the stomach signals hunger...
March 15, 2025
Dear weary ones, God can help you reach the weight He has designed for your body. Do not give up. Our problem is that we have […]
March 14, 2025
All of creation speaks volumes about God and what He wants. You can also find what God wants by watching people live out the Word of God. Yes, one of the best ways to visualize this relationship with God is to spend a day in the life of someone Spirit-led and fully devoted to God alone...
March 13, 2025
When you go in prayer to God in the name of Jesus Christ, without fretting or manipulating anything to make it happen, God will answer your prayer. Do not think this is necessarily slower; in fact, it could be faster. This builds your faith...
March 12, 2025
One exercise I always suggest when someone starts in a Weigh Down seminar class is the chocolate (or your favorite binge food) test. This exercise will […]
March 11, 2025
What if you are at home and having family dinner, and you are halfway through your serving of casserole when that feeling hits you that you are no longer hungry...