diet soda - Weigh Down Ministries
July 22, 2022

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?

As you have noticed, we suggest diet sodas and artificially sweetened tea. These non-caloric drinks may be used in place of sugared beverages to help your blood sugar levels drop normally so that you will be able to detect hunger. The artificial sweetener called aspartame has come under fire in past years for allegedly causing side effects in some people...
January 12, 2025

What Should I Drink for Weight Loss Success?

We suggest that you drink only non-caloric drinks, such as water, diet sodas, and artificially sweetened tea while you are learning how to sense the body’s needs. If you drink sugared tea or sodas, milk, fruit juice, or sports drinks throughout the day, the glucose or the sugar from them will keep your blood sugars up, the result being somewhat like an IV bag in the hospital...