gwen shamblin lara - Page 3 of 10 - Weigh Down Ministries
January 25, 2024

Examine Your Focus

I just can't stress to you enough how important it is to examine your FOCUS. You WILL fall in love with what you focus on! Make it easier to focus on God and Jesus Christ all day long. Learn the stories about God and Jesus that are in the Bible, take notice of the wonderful creation God has offered for us to live in, and seek out other people who are eager to discuss God and His will in their lives...
February 14, 2024

It is All About…LOVE

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Who would have thought that this Omnipresent, Omni-powerful God is Love and all He ever wanted…is Love?! Who would have thought that our interactions with mankind could be condensed to Love...
February 20, 2024

The Key to Good Health and Nutrition

As a rule, Americans are not missing vitamins. So many foods are fortified or enriched with extra vitamins and minerals, and your body can cue you to a variety so that you need not worry about what you eat...