weight loss - Page 9 of 13 - Weigh Down Ministries
April 13, 2024

How to Stay Motivated for Lasting Weight Loss

Let me talk you into wanting God over food or other idols. I have spent most of my life reasoning with people who think they are going to miss the food, and scared that they will be bored or have the emptiest days ever. Turning to God from idols should not even be a competition, and it is not a contest...
May 7, 2024

How to Let Go of Worry

The world may applaud outward beauty, but they are attracted to righteous people who are a light in this dark world. Jesus had no appearance that men would desire (Isaiah 53:2b), however, look at how the world has flocked to him and his teachings. Jesus taught the love of God first, and then love of man, in that order. It is not about how you look but what you give back - your response to the love you have been given...