Though we hear lies from satan…do not pay attention to what the dark world is saying, for we are God’s workmanship and NOT just an afterthought or a mistake...
Trials in life are Heaven-screened—all personalized tests for you to be refined in love, peace, kindness, charity, faithfulness and goodness. These are all fruits of the Spirit and they are the characteristics of Christ and God...
To those who understand and claim to be born again of God, the laws should be written on the heart and Love should be on the tongue. True Religion is Love…God is Love and man loves God first...
True Love is the best kept secret. The Early Christians in I Corinthians 13 were told by the Apostle Paul to “desire love.” Why did God choose True Love as our foundational, most important acquisition?
Love affects mankind in a positive way more than any other force on the planet, and yet it remains a mystery as to how to generate it and disseminate it. It is not like electricity that can be engineered, stored and then sent thru wires to an outlet to light up a room...
The best visual is that God is a huge Star of Love. His love can travel on love waves into the heart of man and is dispersed thru humans. It is far faster than the thrust of a jet, far warmer than the combustion of fuel, from a more sure and distant Source than solar energy...