D’Linda Law – Weight Loss of 50 Pounds
August 1, 2017
Carol Anger – Weight Loss of 30 Pounds
October 26, 2017Don Fischer – Weight Loss of 70 Pounds

If there was one word to describe Don Fischer prior to finding Weigh Down Ministries he says it would be … selfish. Don explains, “Every thought, every concern, every decision and every action was for self—which led to being overweight, raging in outbursts of intense anger and ruining relationships.”
In God’s infinite wisdom and impeccable timing, He brought Weigh Down into Don’s life in February of 1998. “The concept of simple obedience to the body’s signals for hunger and fullness was transformational on the outside, but the principle of self-control soon extended to much more than eating.” As he began to have children, Don was certain that he wanted to give these babies a more certain foundation than that upon which his own life was built.
Don drifted in and out of classes over the first few years. “Each time I was ‘out of touch’ with Weigh Down and not taking advantage of the Truth being poured out, life was aimless, difficult and painful.” The impatience and anger had returned, but this time it was directed at the very children Don wished to point to God.
The hardships eventually led to a formal declaration of financial bankruptcy, but the spiritual deficit and the emotional toll were intense. Moving from one state to another did not change the situation … but again, God reached out and introduced Don and his family to Remnant Fellowship Church.
The clear message of Truth that God was bringing through Gwen Shamblin and Weigh Down Ministries quickly turned his life around and he has never looked back! “Sixteen-plus years and seventy pounds lost later, there is no going back!”
Every resource produced by Weigh Down is incredibly eye-opening and life-changing! What is truly amazing is that the information that changed Don’s life almost 20 years ago in that first Exodus out of Egypt class is as relevant today, because while the world continues to grow more hopeless and more given to the desires of the selfish, sinful nature … the Truth never changes and is as powerful now as when Jesus Christ lived it out during his time on earth!
The Legend to the Treasure series is one of Don’s personal favorites, because it is such a powerful message about choosing the right ship and the right captain as we navigate the stormy seas of this life. The newly released Greed Exposure series is an echo of that teaching, and its warnings remind us that greed in any of its various forms will separate us from God while also bringing intense pain and curses.
What a blessing to be delivered from selfishness into a life of peace, joy and a legacy that can be passed from generation to generation … for the glory of the One True God!
Read more of Don’s story on Remnant Fellowship News.