Rachael Purdy – Weight Loss of 44 Pounds
June 14, 2017
Jenni Mendl – Weight Loss of 15 Pounds
June 20, 2017Jaime Field – Weight Loss of 111 Pounds

Overweight as a Child Led to Years of Hopelessness
Jaime Field has made a complete transformation once she began following the principles of Weigh Down a decade ago. She’s lost an amazing 111 pounds and has kept it off for years. She and her husband, Todd, and two children live in the Orlando area. Today, she is a Regional Rep in Florida helping others lose weight and find a deeper relationship with God through Weigh Down.
Jaime’s story in her own words…
“Beginning in elementary school as a child, I desired food and it became a stronghold in my life. My heart’s desire was to please God, but making wrong worldly choices left me in such guilt.
In college, I turned to food for comfort instead of God and it caused even more pain spiraling me into isolation, depression and consuming myself with TV. At 19, my clothes hardly fit and I panicked, looking for the latest diet to fix me. Down a path of numerous diets, every diet made me desire food more with less hope.
“In my pain I couldn’t stop eating, it was like a drug.”
At age 23, I weighed 238 pounds! So I decided to try another personal trainer. I sank. In my pain, I couldn’t stop eating, it was like a drug. One minute I’d be in the mirror trying on clothes and crying, wanting to hide. I had so much shame. I’d leave the mirror and was all-consumed which led to more binging.
Then I got engaged and the desire to lose weight was even greater. While planning my wedding, I took pills to lose weight quick and my heart would race so fast I thought I was going to die. I got to 199 for my wedding in September 2002. By that December the weight was back on. I started praying, this time seeking God for answers.
After crying out to God, I heard in my mind “spiritual battle.” Food is a spiritual battle? How could this be? I opened my bible to the verse that says “a little bit of yeast gets through a whole batch of dough” and I knew God was trying to tell me something. I saw how this greed for food had spread into every part of my life and was destroying it.
A Decade of Weigh Down Success with 111 Pounds Down!
It was the summer of 2007 when I met a a girl who had old Weigh Down tapes. She gave them to me and I started listening. The HOPE I felt for the first time came with just the first tape!
Gwen offered simple, truthful answers that were black and white. Biblical answers that were hitting my heart and filling my soul. The answers like, “Yes, this love for food IS a spiritual battle, and it IS greed in the heart.”
So, on Christmas Eve 2007, I started my first class! With Weigh Down, I knew I couldn’t binge again, and I didn’t know what I was going to do instead. But Weigh Down gave me the “how-to” and pointed me to run to God instead of food. I quickly learned God gives back WAY more than food.
God brought me to my high school weight and I felt physically and spiritually free for the first time in years. Then in 2009, I became pregnant with my second child. It was a much healthier pregnancy than my first, prior to Weigh Down. After losing the pregnancy weight, I still had more to go so I got an accountability partner.
Having a willing heart and choosing to stop eating when I was full because of my love for God, was what finally set me free! Today, I am down a total of 111 pounds, from size 20 to 2!
God used my accountability partner to bring transparency and more refinement into my life. With every pound down came more self and greed OUT of my heart and IN came more love for God. It never would have happened without changing the inside. What is taught by Gwen Shamblin through Weigh Down Ministries has touched everything in my life.
This is truly Heaven on earth and a gift that keeps giving. Praise God for creating His willing vessel, dear Gwen and Weigh Down!”