Kent Smith – Weight Loss of 60 Pounds
December 8, 2016
Vickie Veeder – Weight Loss of 167 Pounds
December 15, 2016Jean Kurtz – Weight Loss of 30 Pounds
My name is Jean Kurtz and the joy you see in me is real because I’ve found what my heart had been longing for, and I now get the privilege of helping others find it too through hosting online classes.
Maybe you can relate to my story. I lived passionately my whole life and threw my heart into everything I did whether it was school, relationships, career, friendships, marriage, or family. I wanted to have a successful life, but the more I tried, the more sidetracked I became. I looked for mentors along the way – people who seemed to have found success in the things I thought I wanted. I read all the “self-help” books, went to career and personal development seminars, but at the end of the day, alone with myself, I couldn’t fill up my empty heart and find the help and direction I was looking for. A series of events in my life (marriage at 27, a baby at 30, the end of my career at 32, my husband’s health crisis) on top of an inability to control my increasing weight with diet and exercise culminated in a crisis of faith that brought me to my knees and a desperate plea to God to help me.
God answered my prayer in the fall of 2001. I had danced around the Weigh Down message for a number of years, and I knew it had to be the answer for me. Sick of myself, and ready go “ALL IN,” I signed up for the “Weigh Down Advanced” class. I saw in Gwen Shamblin and in the testimonies on the videos, people who had something extraordinary – they had a relationship with God like I’d never seen or known was possible. In the 10-week long course my eyes were opened, God removed 30 pounds of greed for food, and a 17 year long hidden addiction to cigarettes. I marked a fork in the road as a result of true repentance and the beginning of an understanding of who God is and who I am. My position in the relationship with God became clear.
I got to hear Gwen speak live at South Bend, Indiana one Saturday in November, and it sealed my conviction that I finally found someone who truly knew God and loved him with all her heart, mind, soul and strength. This was finally a leader and mentor I could imitate. Gwen teaches and lives out how to truly follow the Jesus Christ who would deny himself and live only for God. I found in this message true life and freedom. Weigh Down revolutionized my life and that of my family. The 30 pounds I lost all those years ago is still gone. In addition to the weight, many, many other healthy changes in my life and relationships have occurred. I continue to run after this passionate relationship with God, and He truly IS better than anything else. It truly is “A Wonderful Life” when God is your Focus. You can do this too!
Jean Kurtz