Weigh Down Testimonies and Videos - Page 50 of 69 - Weigh Down Ministries
November 12, 2024

No More Dieting!

Praise God that you will follow His will and eat regular foods for the rest of your life. When you deny God and what He has programmed inside of you, you will become ravenous again and lustful for food. On the other hand, you will wind up eating less when you are not dieting and no longer craving foods you have denied yourself that were programmed inside you by God...
November 13, 2024

How Does it Look to Follow God’s Lead with Food?

Every day, you get up and focus on God with prayer and praise and listening inside—when the stomach is growling, you approach the food with prayer and thankfulness. You become satisfied and do not think about food until you feel empty again. No more bypassing hunger—let go of control, and you will be rewarded with energy...
November 14, 2024

The Night Lie, Part I

Tragically, the enemy has many people just where he wants them: deceived, year after year after year. They may go to bed every night determined to be different. Then get up every morning with the same resolve. If this is your situation, you may pray, and yet, at the end of the day and at the last minute you are presented by satan an opportunity to eat, and you make a rash decision...
November 15, 2024

The Night Lie, Part II

Yesterday, we discussed the Night Lie and the pressure that can come on suddenly in the evening to take care of yourself and fall for whatever temptation is put before you. Don’t fall for this pressure lie, whatever it is: you will not see the food again, you must eat before anyone sees you, you might not get this chance again, etc. You must say “no”...
November 17, 2024

Never Alone Again

Imagine when you have a test. Let’s say it is dying to the praise of men tonight or to pride or lust. Let’s say it is dying to eating food tonight or being submissive to your husband tonight or loving someone hard to love. Whatever you struggle with, bring it to mind now. Imagine having to die—giving up your will, your body, your soul, your dreams, whatever it is—in this test. You have always been alone. You try to do this alone...